Destiny's calling – it's time to answer!

Intuition Exercise

In my last post, I discussed the importance of paying attention to your intuition. In this one, I will share with you an exercise I developed for helping someone make decisions based on their intuition (aka listening to your gut).

How to Practice Listening to Your Gut

Place one hand on your stomach, just above your belly button.

Focus on the area beneath your hand – that is your gut. Very often when we get a “gut instinct” about a person or a decision, we feel something in this region of our body. Some people describe it as “peace” or “relaxed” or “comfortable” when the gut agrees with what you are doing. When the gut does not agree, people say they feel a “tightness” or “fear” or a “bad feeling”.

Think about a decision you need to make. Come up with 2 options regarding the decision. For instance,

  1. I want to take this job offer.
  2. I do not want to take this job offer.

or if regarding a person,

  1. I want to spend time with this person.
  2. I do not want to spend time with this person.

You can come up with any two options that are appropriate to your situation.

Close your eyes. Take several deep breaths, slowly. Allow your mind to quiet down. Focus on your breath as it goes in and out.

Focus on the area underneath your hand – not physically, but emotionally or “internally”.

Say each of your options out loud. Say them one at a time and say them slowly. See if there is any difference in your gut. Do you have more peace regarding one option versus the other? Or do you a have a “bad feeling” about one of them?

If you don’t get a clear answer, try this process again on a different day. Sometimes timing is a factor in trusting your gut. You might not need to know the answer today. Tomorrow might provide more information and give you a clearer answer.

Many people have said that when they trust their gut, they make decisions that are good for them and that seem like the right thing to do. However, when they ignore that “gut feeling”, they often regret the decisions they made. Later it becomes clear that they should have followed their gut!

Research has shown that there is a very dense concentration of nerves that cover this area of the stomach, almost as complex as the nerves in your brain. Some have said this is your “second brain” to help you make wise decisions. Pay attention to what it is telling you.

If you’d like some help with learning to listen to your gut or intuition, please contact me. I offer affordable one-on-one coaching, in person or over the phone, to help people learn how to make decisions that are good for them. This is an essential life skill – it would be wise for you to develop it. It is also wisdom to know when you need help and to ask for it.

Feel free to comment below. You can contact me privately through my website

Sandy Walker, Freedom Coach


Sandy Walker is a Freedom Coach who works with clients in person or by telephone anywhere they are. To find out more, visit or contact Sandy.

Comments on: "Intuition Exercise" (3)

  1. […] are exercises you can do to strengthen your intuition. Later this week I will post one I use with my clients. It is worth your time and effort to develop this skill – it can save […]

  2. […] I have an exercise that can help strengthen your ability to listen to your “gut”. It’s on my blog: How to Practice Listening to Your Gut […]

  3. […] I have an exercise that can help strengthen your ability to listen to your “gut”. It’s on my blog: How to Practice Listening to Your Gut […]

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