Destiny's calling – it's time to answer!

Secret to Long-Lasting Love

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The Secret to Long-Lasting Love – it may surprise you!

Many people focus on love and romance in February – Card, Candy and Flower Companies encourage you to find a way to express your love by buying just the right product. Do you remember what you gave or received last Valentine’s Day? Nope, me neither (sorry, honey). I’m sure it was fitting, romantic and sweet – but unfortunately, it didn’t stick with me (well, except for the extra pounds I probably gained from eating all that chocolate).

Would you like to know one of the secrets to Long-Lasting Love in a romantic relationship? It might surprise you … are you ready for this? Gratitude. Once the initial thrill of “new love” has worn off, you and your partner are now navigating daily life. Our lives get pretty routine and mundane – go to work, pay the bills, eat, sleep, etc. It’s easy (and very human) to pay attention to things that annoy us. It doesn’t take much. Over time, we too easily forget what drew us to this wonderful person we wanted to spend so much time with.

Gratitude reminds you what you love about him or her. When you first met, you couldn’t believe how much they connected with you. The things they said and the topics you talked about were EXACTLY what you needed to hear. You were so thankful to have found them. So what happened? Where’s that spark?

Action step: Gratitude changes your attitude – it really does! Take this challenge: Each day this month think of one thing you are grateful for and send it as a text message to that special someone. If you are not in a romantic relationship, then text it to various close friends or family that you care about. It will definitely change your attitude – you’ll start noticing the POSITIVE things you like about this person. And guess what? They will respond to your outpouring of Love – I promise. It could improve the intimacy in your relationship – you tend to open up to someone who expresses how much they like you! Try it – then tell me how it worked for you. I LOVE to hear stories & I may publish it in the next newsletter.

This article is from my newsletter – if you liked it, you might want to join my mailing list. Every month I send out 1 article with simple, practical tips to make your life fulfilling and whole. You can sign up here.

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