Destiny's calling – it's time to answer!

Archive for the ‘Destiny’ Category

Follow Your Passion! Your heart knows the way ♥

Q47 Follow Your Passion
Follow Your Passion! Your heart knows the way ♥

How do you want to be remembered?

Q46 Remembered

How do you want to be remembered? Live that way today!

It is your Destiny to Be Loved. ♥

Q45 Destiny to be Loved

It is your Destiny to Be Loved. Just Receive It! ♥

Destiny’s calling … It’s TIME to answer

Q40 Destiny's calling

Destiny’s calling … It’s TIME to answer

Go ahead … answer the call. You know you want to. Just do it!

[Don’t you love the Matrix analogy of life? That’s why I chose Neo for the one answering the call. :)]

If you need help determining what your destiny is, please contact me. That is one of my specialties. I can help you discover what on earth you are here for. It takes a commitment to yourself and to honesty, but it is the best adventure you will ever experience! Go to

Sandy Walker, Freedom Coach

Sandy Walker, Freedom Coach

You are eternal … what’s your hurry?

Q35 You are eternal

What’s your hurry? You are eternal. You have all the time you need today.

A gentle reminder that you don’t need to be rushing around all the time. Trust your instincts. Trust God to direct your steps … and stop being in such a hurry every day. Slow down, enjoy life – you are eternal. You have all the time you need to accomplish what is essential today.

If you are not in control of it, let it go … your heart will thank you. ♥

You CAN be happy and enjoy life

Q32 You CAN be happy

You can be happy and enjoy life. It really is possible. Even for YOU. – Sandy Walker


Q31 YOU are Loved

Open Up! ♥

Q29 Open UP

What the mind can conceive, the heart can receive … Open Up! – Sandy Walker

Did you know that if you cannot conceive of something, then it is virtually impossible to receive it?

I have often heard people say in reference to someone else’s good fortune, “That could never happen to me!” And you know what? It won’t. They cannot imagine something that good happening for them – therefore, it is not likely to happen.

Your expectation really does affect what comes into your life.

So if you are wishing you had ____________ in your life (fill in the blank), then start imagining what life would be like if you had it. How would you FEEL if you had that thing (i.e. that job, that kind of person in your life, etc.)? How would life be different? How would it affect your behavior, your thoughts, your emotions? Do a little daydreaming here – in fact, do it every day.

Thinking like this will shift the way you think and what you start looking for. You’ll make decisions based on your expectations. This will open doors for you – new things will start happening in your life. You’ll get direction and you’ll recognize it because you’ve been daydreaming about what life could be like.

Try it – then let me know what happens. Because if you don’t, it never will. 🙂

Listen to your heart

Q28 Listen to Your Heart

Listen to your heart

What does that mean?

It means pay attention when your insides are telling you something. It means not denying how you feel about a person or a situation. It means learning to trust that inner voice, that inner self’s intuition, about people, places and things.

It really makes a big difference in your life whether or not you are listening to your heart.

Those that don’t will suffer. They drown out that inner voice with alcohol, with work, or even with mindless activity like watching tv or surfing the internet. Anything to stay busy, to stay distracted so that they don’t have to pay attention to their thoughts.

And yet, if they would slow down long enough to listen, they might just be surprised by what they hear. It can open new doors. It can reveal truth you really need to hear. It can lead you to the right path, the right job, the right person for your life.

Why DON’T you listen to your heart?

Many of my clients come to me because something is stirring them to listen … but they have forgotten how. Or they doubt what they are hearing and they need someone to help them sort out the conflicting emotions that listening sometimes brings up.

I LOVE to help people listen to their heart. It brings such clarity of purpose and focus to their lives. Your heart can connect you to wellspring of peace and joy. But you have to start with LISTENING … listening closely.

If this is something you’d like some help with, let me know. You can contact me privately through my website

Sandy Walker, Freedom Coach

Sandy Walker, Freedom Coach

Who’s in control here?

Q22 Who's in control

Who’s in control here? You or Me? – God

Just a little reminder to surrender control of the new year to the Higher Power who brings order to the Universe we know. The more we try to grasp for control, the more anxious we become. The more anxious we are, the less we enjoy life. The less we enjoy life, the more miserable we are – and we tend to affect all those around us as well. We also don’t sleep well and don’t make wise decisions when we are anxious.

So, just give it up already! Surrendering control to something bigger than you is incredibly freeing! It brings tremendous peace and joy – when you just let go. Try it! ♥